Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary! (ahem . . . yesterday)

Yes, I knew yesterday that it was our anniversary. Yes, I intended to blog a sweet little nothing about our darling little 8th anniversary. Yes, I procrastinated and didn't blog anything. But, today I will blog sweet little nothings, or something about our anniversary. Confused? I am! ; )

As most of you know, everyone says, "I can't believe we've been married for ____ years! It seems like it was just yesterday." Well, I couldn't have said it better myself! Wow! Eight years already and we're both still alive and sane!

Okay, sarcasm and kidding aside. Does anyone actually know why time seems to go so much faster as we get older? Why did the first and second (and third, if we dare mention a third) eight years of my life seem to drag but these last eight seemed to fly? Is it because life is so much busier? Has anyone ever researched this phenomenon? I mean I can't believe we've been married for eight years already! Oops! Well, there you go. I said it myself. ;)

So what have I learned from these years of married life? Well, I believe I've gained a lot of "hard-earned" knowledge and hopefully some wisdom. Veteran wives will most likely say that I've got a lot more to learn and I agree and dare to hope so. If I believe that I have learned all I need to know, then I have not learned much. That sounds like a quote from somewhere, but I don't know for sure. :/ Hopefully I didn't just plagiarize.

I'm not going to list all the things I've learned so far. Maybe I will in another post. However, I would like to share what I believe to be the most wonderful part of marriage. The Lord has allowed me to spend my days on this earth with my dear Aaron. I can look to him for guidance, comfort, sympathy, encouragement, reprimand, strength, friendship and love. There could not have been a better match for me! I love you Aaron Marsceau and thank our Father in Heaven for allowing us to spend our lives together! :*)


  1. Well, by the time I got this posted I was two days late. Oh well! :)

  2. I hope Aaron read this. :) You guys are one of my favorite "love stories." ;) (Am I allowed to say that??)
