Have you ever heard the "Mama Song?"
My children sing it all day long.
Sweet Hannah Rose seems to like it best.
She hardly ever gives it a rest.
It often makes me want to scream.
At night it sometimes invades my dreams.
But when I stop to take a break,
My heart will then begin to ache.
Those little voices singing my song
Will all too soon be big and strong.
They won't sing my song anymore.
They'll have new places with songs to explore.
I know I'll one day long to hear
The song my children hold so dear.
So rather than moan, I'll choose to enjoy
The song sung so sweetly by my girls and boys.
I love you Jesse Aaron, Abigail Jane, Benjamin Earl,
Hannah Rose and Andrew David!
by "Mama" Amanda Marsceau
Thanks for the encouragement! We need to be reminded that these days of cuddles, hugs, and kisses will all TOO soon be gone....and we should cherish the moment!