Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sprite and saltines . . .

That’s pretty much all I can stomach right now. No, I don’t have the stomach flu. I have a much better reason for my limited meal plan. Yes, dear readers! I am again expecting a little blessing! I would have thought that the excitement would wear off a little, seeing that this is baby number six. But I feel nearly as excited as when I was expecting our first. I am so thrilled that the Lord is blessing us again!

Speaking of children as blessings, I’m going to take a moment to spill my thoughts on the number of children that is “right” or “pleasing” to the Lord. As I said, this is our sixth child. You may not know this, but in some circles it is thought that the number of children you have indicates your spirituality. Children are worn as badges, though oftentimes they are dirty little badges that aren’t well cared for. Believe me, I was one of those “badge-wearing” Christians. Many of my friends and acquaintances were convinced that having a bus load of kids signified your holiness and desire to please God. While I agree that children are a blessing from the Lord and are a reward and I think it is not only selfish, but wrong to refuse to have children, I also think it is a shame that some people bring children into this world to care for and train them even less than they do their dogs. 

Believe me, I have seen this first hand and try not to be guilty of it myself. 

Children are a reward from the Almighty God. Don’t take that lightly. He has blessed you with children. Spend time with them, love them, train them, teach them, point them to the One who made them and gave them to you. Don’t wear them as badges when you did nothing to deserve them in the first place. Praise the Lord for them and be thankful that you were one of the ones he chose to bless with little ones. Some are not so blessed.

I praise the Lord that He has chosen to give us another child and I want to honor Him by raising this child, along with my others to love and glorify Him. J