My kids say some of the funniest, coolest and wittiest things to . . . everyone but me, or so it seems. Friends and family members are always telling me that "so and so" said this or that hilarious or adorable thing and I always think, "You're kidding, right? My kid said that!?"
Well, lately they've been letting me in on their little secret. Or perhaps I just accidently snuck up on them and they let a cute or funny little comment slip. Whichever the case, I do not care! I now know for sure that they are hilarious! :D
Hannah, my two and a half-year-old was caught in the corner with her hands covering her eyes (the way little kids cover their eyes) counting to ten, though her attempt was anything but routine. Most people start at one and count by ones until they reach ten. However, Hannah prefers to deviate from the norm with a new way to count . . . "One, two, seben, seben, eleben", . . . (at this point I could practically see the wheels turning in her cute little head as she struggled to remember the next number in this unusual, yet refreshing sequence) "FIVE"! Yes! She knew she could remember that final number. Who needs a ten when you've got a five? :)
By the way, did you know that when we talk on the phone, the words evaporate out of the power lines? I couldn't believe it either! But who's going to question the wisdom of a newly six-year-old girl? Abigail got it all figured out and is sticking to it until I can figure out a way to explain how telephones are used, how water evaporates and that power lines are best kept away from water and telephones. ;D
Last night, while doing a Bible/History/Geography study as a family, Aaron was asking the children questions about Creation, the Fall, the Flood, etc. After Jesse informed us that Adam was made from dirt, Aaron asked Abigail what Eve was made from. Much "hem-hawing" and "um-ing" went on, then Abigail in her confident way said, "Hmm, . . . I think Eve was made from salt." If you know Abigail, you can picture the completely unsure, "I think I must of said the wrong thing" look immediately after saying this. I was able to snicker and snort over in the corner of the kitchen where I was putting a few things away. Poor Aaron, however, had to figure how to not offend and embarrass poor Abigail while trying to stifle his snickering. I must say, he did a pretty good job. :)
I hope no one gets offended by this next one but if you do, sorry! I just have to share a "joke" Jesse told last night. He laughed so hard at himself that he nearly fell off the couch! I love it when little kids learn to tell "jokes"! :) He said that this guy woke up one morning, sat up in bed and said "cuesta cuanto!" I have absolutely no idea where he came up with this but he was so "tickled" that we all laughed watching him laugh. I assume this guy in the joke had to have been a dyslexic Spanish-speaker, no offense intended - I sometimes think I'm slightly dyslexic and I speak enough Spanish to realize how little I know. The only thing that disqualifies me from this joke is that I'm not the "guy". Well, I've learned a lesson through this. We either need to brush up on our Spanish or improve our joke-telling skills! :)
Last, but definitely my favorite so far is Benjamin's little "fanfare" from last night's Bible/History time. We had talked about Adam and Eve, their sin of eating the fruit in disobedience, God's sending them out of Eden, their two sons, Cain and Abel and the fact that Cain killed Abel because he was angry and jealous when God accepted the slain sheep but not the produce that Cain offered. So, Aaron asked Benjamin what Adam and Eve had done that made them have to leave the Garden of Eden. Aaron even helped Benjamin with a little hint about the Tree in the midst of the garden. So Benjamin concluded that, "They had to leave because they ate the fruit. And they fed it to the sheep." He said this so "matter of fact" that we were nearly rolling on the floor. He became somewhat embarrassed at this point and began to laugh along with the rest of us. I don't know what he was thinking but, perhaps in his sweet little head he came to the conclusion that the sheep had to die because they ate the fruit as well. Or maybe he just thought they were hungry? He is absolutely adorable!